labiaplasty scotland

Labiaplasty aftercare

Please find some useful aftercare advice following your labiaplasty surgery with us. This information can also help you prepare for surgery by showing you what to expect. The advice is general and will apply to the average patient. It should be a guide. All patients are different, and some will recover quicker than others.


Before you leave the hospital


You will receive painkillers before discharge, including some numbing gel.

Change of dressings

We suggest using simple pant liners over your wounds. These should be changed regularly.

Follow-up appointments for dressing clinics

An appointment will be made for you before you leave for a wound check with a nurse.

Before you leave the hospital

Labiaplasty instructions

  • Have someone drive you home after surgery.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Your labia minora will look very different right after surgery compared to what they will look like in a few weeks. Do not be alarmed by this!
  • Your mood may fluctuate after surgery, and you may doubt having had the procedure. Don’t worry; this is not uncommon, and you will feel better as the pain and swelling ease and your wounds heal.
  • Start walking gently as soon as possible; this helps to reduce swelling and lowers the chance of blood clots. Do not overdo things.
  • Blood staining on the inside of your dressings is expected during the first few days.
  • You will experience discomfort and pain, typically worse over the first 48 hours after surgery. These will ease gradually. Take pain medication as prescribed. If you have been provided with a numbing gel, you can use this as needed. Your requirement for painkillers should reduce after the first few days.
  • Cold compresses can be helpful in the first 48 hours. These should be used only with a thin pad/ undergarment between the wounds and the compress. You can only use these while awake; never apply them directly onto your skin wounds.
  • Follow a balanced diet. Decreased activity may promote constipation, so you may wish to add more raw fruit and fibre to your diet. Increase fluid intake. It is essential to avoid constipation, as straining may increase the risk of bleeding. It may help to take a gentle laxative such as Lactulose.

When can I go back to work after labiaplasty?

Return to work will depend on your recovery and job. We recommend taking at least one week off work. You may need up to two weeks if your job involves lots of movement/ walking.

quaba aftercare

Wound care

Showering/ bathing – You can shower at home and do this daily. Use a mild baby shampoo/ shower gel. Dry thoroughly with gentle patting with a towel and let the area get some air. It may help to have a warm salty bath for a short soak (no more than 15 minutes).

It may sting when you wee, and it is worth cleaning the area with warm salty water after going to the toilet.

Some patients will experience a lot of swelling, which can look dramatic during the first week. It may worsen before it improves and usually has improved by 7-10 days. Rarely, swelling may be caused by a small collection of blood. The affected area may feel hard and tender if so.

Cold compresses can be helpful in the first 48 hours. These should be used only with a thin pad/ undergarment between the wounds and the compress. You can only use these while awake; never apply them directly onto your skin wounds.

By the start of the third week, your wounds should be healed, and most of the swelling should be down. Some patients may notice small openings and asymmetries. Any remaining raw areas will usually heal.

Your dissolvable stitches will still be visible, and these can cause some irritation. They should have disappeared by the end of week 4. If present, any remaining stitches will usually rub off.

Activities after labiaplasty

Showering/ bathing

You may bathe once you are home. You should bathe or shower daily. It may be helpful to have a warm salty bath for a short soak. Use a mild baby shampoo/ shower gel. Dry thoroughly with gentle patting with a towel and then apply the antibiotic ointment you have been provided for the first few days.

Sleeping position

Sleep in a position that is comfortable for you.


Wear loose cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting trousers.


Avoid using tampons until the area is healed.


We recommend not driving for at least 4-5 days after your surgery as you may be on pain medication and still be experiencing some discomfort.


You can resume light exercise at around 4 weeks (use lubrication if required to stop rubbing) and build up to full exercise by 6 weeks.


It is advisable to avoid intercourse for 4-6 weeks or until your wounds are healed. Use a good lubricant, and don’t overdo things at first.


Avoid smoking for at least two weeks, as smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications.


Avoid alcohol when taking pain medications. Even if you are not taking pain medications, it is advisable to avoid alcohol for three weeks as it can cause fluid retention, which may worsen swelling.

Holidays/ Travel

We would advise allowing at least four weeks after your surgery before going on holiday. This is to allow for any unexpected problems that might occur with healing.

quaba aftercare activities

Follow up

1 week after your operation

We will usually arrange for you to be seen by the nurses 1 week after your surgery. This is to check you are OK and have no problems. There are no stitches or dressings to remove. This appointment can usually be skipped for patients who live far away.

4-6 months

You will have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon at 4-6 months to discuss the outcome of your surgery and any concerns you may have.

Please note

Some of our patients will get in touch before their 4-6 month follow-up appointment, and we are often able to address any concerns you may have over the phone or via email. You are welcome to make an appointment (at no cost to you) before your 4-6 month follow-up if you wish to be seen in person to discuss any issues.

Follow up

Scar care

Healing is gradual, and the area may remain slightly swollen and sensitive for several weeks.

Any sensitivity usually resolves on its own. If your scars still feel sensitive after a few weeks, you can massage them gently to help desensitise the area.

labia minora reduction scotland

When to call

  • If you have increased swelling or bruising, which is not settling and feels hard and painful.
  • Bleeding, which does not stop.
  • If you have severe or increased pain not relieved by medication.
  • If you have a temperature over 38 degrees Celsius.
  • If you have any persistent yellowish or greenish discharge from the incisions.

If concerned, please get in touch with the hospital where your procedure was performed.

Labiaplasty – Amazing Surgeon! Amazing Result!

I had my procedure done in March 2022.
Had thought about it for years before finally deciding to go ahead.
Mr Quaba was an absolute pleasure to deal with from start to finish.
He explained everything in detail, allowing me to make an informed decision regarding my surgery.
Honest, professional and amazing at what he does.
I am absolutely delighted that I went ahead and so happy that I chose Mr Quaba to perform the procedure.
I could not have asked for a better surgeon, or a better result.


Realself Aug 2022


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