Before you leave the hospital
You will be provided with painkillers, an antibiotic ointment to apply to your suture line and a saline spray to keep the inside of your nose moist and clean.
Your dressings may be changed before your leave and should remain intact until your first postoperative visit. Your packs will be removed on the ward before you go home. You will be provided with a drip pad to absorb any discharge from your nose for the first 24-48 hours after surgery.
You will be handed a card with details of your first follow-up appointment and contact details for the ward should you have any concerns once you get home.
Rhinoplasty instructions
- Have someone drive you home after surgery. It is recommended that you have some help at home for the first day or two.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Start walking as soon as possible; this helps to reduce swelling and lowers the chance of blood clots.
- Follow a balanced diet. Decreased activity may promote constipation, so you may wish to add more raw fruit and fibre to your diet. Make sure you increase fluid intake.
- Take pain medication as prescribed. Do not take aspirin or any products containing aspirin unless approved by your surgeon.
- Avoid smoking for at least two weeks, as smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications.
- Avoid alcohol when taking pain medications. Even if you are not taking pain medications, it is advisable to avoid alcohol for three weeks as it can cause fluid retention which may worsen swelling.
When can I go back to work after rhinoplasty?
Your recovery and your job will dictate when you can return to work. We would advise patients to leave 1-2 weeks before returning to work although this does vary depending on the individual.
Rhinoplasty wound care
Antibiotic ointment – You will have been provided with an antibiotic ointment to apply over the external sutures. Apply a small amount three times a day until your stitches have been removed.
Saline nasal spray – You will be provided with a saline nasal spray to use 3-4 times a day. The spray helps to keep the inside of your nose clean and reduces crusting and bleeding. You should use it for 1-2 weeks after your surgery.
Be gentle when washing your face – use a mild detergent or soap.
Do not use makeup or other cosmetics on your external incisions until your wound is fully healed (usually by three weeks).
Cold compresses around your eyes and cheeks may help reduce swelling.
Activities after rhinoplasty
Showering/ bathing
Showering/ bathing
You may bathe once you are home, but you must keep your tape and splint dry. To wash your hair, you may need help as you will need to tilt your head backwards and have someone rinse it for you. Once your splint has been removed, then there is nothing to stop you showering as usual.
Sleeping position
Sleeping position
Sleep comfortably on two or three pillows. You do not need to sleep propped upright.
Wear clothing that is easy to remove and avoid tight tops that require removal over your head as they might catch on your nose or splint.
We recommend not driving for at least seven days until your splint has been removed. Additionally, you have required controlled fractures of the bones of your nose which may lead to your eyes becoming puffy and swollen. You should wait until the swelling has settled.
Avoid strenuous activities or any activity that increases your blood pressure for 3-4 weeks. Contact sports should be avoided for at least two months.
Blowing your nose
Blowing your nose
Try to avoid blowing your nose for at least one week
Young children
Young children
Take care when playing with young children in case they unintentionally knock your nose.
There are no limits to wearing glasses on top of your cast during your first week of recovery. Once the cast is removed, you should avoid wearing glasses (including sunglasses) directly on your nose for a total of 6 weeks after surgery. If controlled bone fractures aren’t performed during your operation, you can wear glasses at any time. If you must wear glasses to see, then tape them onto your forehead so that the weight of them does not rest on your bridge. If possible, it is preferable that you wear contact lenses to see instead of your glasses.
Contact lenses
Contact lenses
You can insert your contact lenses anytime after surgery as soon as you are feeling well enough to do so. Please keep in mind that some patients experience swelling of the eye area after their surgery, which may make wearing lenses uncomfortable. If they are uncomfortable when you put them in, take them out and try again later.
When to call
- If you have increased swelling or bruising which is not settling.
- If you notice swelling of one/ both of your legs or feel short of breath – this may indicate a clot in one of your veins/ lungs – Deep vein thrombosis/ Pulmonary embolism.
- If you have increased redness along the incision (this may be a sign of infection).
- If you have severe or increased pain not relieved by medication.
- If you have any side effects to medications; such as, rash, nausea, headache, vomiting.
- If you have a temperature over 38 degrees Celsius.
- If you have any yellowish or greenish discharge from the incisions.
- If you have bleeding from the incisions that is difficult to control with light pressure.
If concerned, please contact the hospital where you had your procedure performed in the first instance.
Follow up
7-8 days after your operation
You will attend a specialist nurse clinic to have your stitches, tape and splint removed.
Six months
You will be asked to arrange a follow-up appointment with your surgeon at six months to discuss the outcome of your surgery and any concerns you may have.
Please note
Many of our patients will get in touch before their six months follow up appointment and we are often able to address any concerns you may have over the phone or via email. You are welcome to make an appointment (at no cost to you) before your six months follow up if you wish to be seen in person to discuss any issues.
Rhinoplasty – Faultless
I had rhinoplasty performed by Mr Awf Quaba and the whole process was faultless. He was a lovely man, obviously extremely knowledgeable and experienced, who really listened and made sensible suggestions of what he could achieve. On the day, everything went quickly and smoothly and was home by the evening of surgery. Overall the procedure was painless – I cannot recall feeling any discomfort at all the during recovery period. Nose was blocked and couldn’t taste anything for 3 days but, other than that, no drawbacks at all. Would recommend the procedure with no reservations at all.
Edinburgh 1976