Before and after gallery: arm lift
Arm lift surgery, also commonly known as a brachioplasty, is a procedure designed to tighten and lift the skin of the upper arm. Sagging skin or ‘Bingo Wings’ can result from ageing and weight loss.
Loose skin around the arm area can make some people feel self-conscious and may limit the type of clothing that they wear.
Arm lift / brachioplasty
The arm lift before and after photos below are those of a patient who had an arm reduction. She had previously had several non-surgical attempts at tightening her arm skin at another clinic due to her concern about scars, but these had been unsuccessful. Her postoperative results are shown at six months. There is one image showing the wound at seven days. She expressed the fact that the resultant scarring was far less prominent than she had ever expected. You can see from the images that when the arms are down by the sides, the scars are well hidden.
Arm lift / brachioplasty
The patient below had loose arm skin partly caused by sun damage (solar elastosis). She had arm lift surgery to excise the excess skin. Results are shown at six months.
Significant arm reduction
The patient below had significant excess upper arm skin laxity and fatty tissue. She had excision combined with liposuction.
Arm lift surgery
The images below are of a standard arm lift reduction. Note the scars.
Arm lift scars long term
The photos below show before and after arm reduction surgery long term results at 21 months. Note in this patient that the scars have settled very well.
Arm reduction results at six months
Results of arm reduction at six months. Note the scar is still a little red.
Photo disclaimer
All arm lift before and after photos are of patients who consent to their images being published on this site. Quaba Plastic Surgery has operated on all patients. No claims are made that results are guaranteed to be the same. Results will vary by the individual patient, and no guarantees are made.