Quaba Plastic Surgery

Before and after gallery: corrective breast surgery

It is inevitable that some women will need to replace breast implants over time if their implants are causing problems. Revision breast surgery can be complex, and we present some case studies to show various problems and solutions to them. There is a range of revision breast augmentation photos to view.

Correction of breast asymmetry

This 33-year-old mother, who had finished having children, came to us because her right breast had not developed properly. She had previously had surgery on the NHS to place a small 180cc implant in her right breast, but she wasn’t happy with the results. We removed the old implant and adjusted the space for the new one. At the same time, we performed a breast lift on both sides to improve shape and position. A larger 365cc implant was placed in the right breast, and a 190cc implant in the left breast to create a better balance. The result is a much more even and natural appearance; she is very happy with the outcome.

Exchange of implants for smaller and combined uplift

This patient (late 20s) underwent revision breast surgery, including an exchange of implants and a breast uplift, at our Waterfront Private Hospital. The procedure addressed concerns of implant-related discomfort, asymmetry, and changes in breast appearance due to weight loss and implant malposition.

Preoperatively, the patient had 460cc high-profile textured Allergan implants in the subglandular pocket. These were removed, including one flipped implant that contributed to discomfort and lumpiness. The same pocket was tightened using capsulorrhaphy and capsulotomy techniques, and Nagor Perle 365 implants were placed to restore a natural and symmetrical appearance. A superior pedicle breast uplift was performed, removing excess tissue for improved shape and symmetry.

At the 6-month follow-up, the patient was delighted with the results, reporting significant improvement in both appearance and comfort.

Exchange of breast implants with breast lift and mini tummy tuck

This lady is in her late 30s and had breast implants inserted many years previously at another clinic. Her breasts had changed shape with time and after having children. She was aware of rippling of her implants and her old implants had been placed over the muscle. She had removal of her old 375cc implants and new 390cc full profile implants were inserted under the muscle. A small breast lift was also carried out to improve the position of her nipples. She also had a mini tummy tuck procedure at the same time. Results are shown at 6 months.

Exchange Of Breast Implants From 330cc To 460cc Full Profile Round Implants

This lady had breast implants inserted several years previously. She wished to go far a larger breast size. Using a sizing kit we determined an additional volume of around 130cc. She, therefore, had her old implants removed which were 330cc and these were replaced with Sebbin nanotextured round full profile 460cc implants. Results are shown at 6 months.

Removal of breast implants, breast uplift and fat transfer to the breasts

Lady in her early 50s who had breast implants ten years previously (300cc) at another clinic. She was unhappy with the shape of her implants and wanted them to be removed. The implants were removed, and the patient had a breast lift with fat transfer from her hips to her breasts (lipofilling) to restore some of the lost volume.

Replacement of ruptured breast implants

The revision breast augmentation photos below are of a patient in her early 60s who had 270cc breast implants placed under the muscle 19 years previously. She had fluctuations in her weight over time, and her breasts had also become droopy (breast ptosis). Additionally, her breast implants had also ruptured over time. Her revision breast surgery included removal of the old implants and cleaning and closure of the old pockets. New pockets (above the muscle) were created, and new 310cc breast implants were put in.

Capsular contracture and implant rippling

The before and after images below are of a patient who required revision (secondary) breast implant surgery for capsular contracture and upper pole rippling. Her original operation had been carried out approximately four years previously, placing 385 gm implants on top of the muscle (subglandular). The revisional surgery took 3 hours and involved:

1. Removal of the old implants and the surrounding scar tissue ( total capsulectomy)

2.Insertion of new, larger full profile round implants (450 gm) under the pectoral muscle (dual plane)

3. Carrying out breast uplift-reshaping (key-hole short horizontal scar augmentation mastopexy).

Results are at six months postoperatively.

Up-sizing following previous breast augmentation

Revision breast augmentation photos below are of a patient who had previously had breast augmentation aged 20 years old with McGann round silicone gel implants (180cc in the subglandular pocket). Revision breast augmentation was performed 15 years after her first operation. She had had two children and had breastfed. The new implants were placed under the muscle and were Allergan anatomical (teardrop) 375 cc implants. The follow-up photos are at six months, and she has gone from a 34B to 32DD cup. She had improved cleavage and overall shape.

Correction of high riding implants and up-sizing

The before and after images below are of two different patients. Patient 1 –  had sub-muscular breast implants that had migrated upwards ‘high riding’. The implants were replaced with anatomical breast implants which were placed at a lower position. Patient 2 – a 33 yr old with 310cc sub muscular implants inserted nine years previously. The implants were “up-sized” to 410cc TSX Allergan implants placed under the muscle.

Photo disclaimer

All revision breast implant before and after photos are of patients who consent to their images being published on this site. Quaba Plastic Surgery has operated on all patients. No claims are made that results are guaranteed to be the same. Results will vary by the individual patient, and no guarantees are made. Images are shown for informational purposes only.

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Breast implant revision – Fantastic, couldn’t be happier

Fantastic. I am so happy I went to Mr A Quaba. Would highly recommend him. After 2 failed breast augmentation’s Mr Quaba had a lot of work to do inside my breast’s and he’s done a fantastic job. I am so happy with the results I can’t thank him enough. I was so worried after my 2nd operation that I would never have the result he has given me. He’s done more than fix my breast he’s also given me my confidence back. He’s a lovely man with a huge heart.


Realself Apr 2019


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