Before and after gallery: Gynecomastia
You will find some gynecomastia before and after photos below. Our approach is to use extensive liposuction, and at the end of this, a decision is made whether to remove any firm breast tissue that is left. Removal is usually done through a small cut around the nipple to minimise scarring. In most patients, the skin will retract over a period of a few months.
Gynecomastia liposuction result
Our patient is in his 30s. He suffered from long-standing gynecomastia despite having a relatively healthy weight. He felt self-conscious and restricted in his house of clothing and said that his nipples could get puffy at times.
He had standard tumescent liposuction with 450cc of fat removed. His excellent after-result is shown at 6 months.
Liposuction for male breast reduction
This patient underwent male breast reduction surgery at our Waterfront Private Hospital facility in Edinburgh to address long-standing concerns about excess chest tissue. Despite maintaining a healthy weight and an active lifestyle, he had a mix of fatty and glandular tissue that impacted his confidence and wardrobe choices.
The procedure involved liposuction only, with 500 ccs of fat removed under general anaesthesia through minimally invasive techniques. At the follow-up, the patient reported excellent results, a smooth recovery, and a significant improvement in his chest contour. He was particularly pleased with his flatter, more masculine chest and noted feeling more confident in his appearance.
Standard liposuction only gynecomastia correction
This man in his early 20s had 600cc standard liposuction carried out. Results are shown at 6 months. No gland excision was required.
Liposuction and gland excision
At six months post-operation, this young man underwent 550cc standard liposuction and a small gland excision (approximately 15g on each side) to treat gynecomastia. Before-and-after images show an excellent outcome.
Excision of localised glandular gynecomastia - no skin excision
This young man developed significant gynecomastia, which was worse on his left side.
He had removal (excision) of the glandular tissue (60g on his left and 40g on his right) and additionally had liposuction carried out (200cc).
He has a great result at 6 months and good skin retraction.
High volume liposuction for gynecomastia
This man is in his early 40s. He had longstanding gynecomastia since his teenage years and felt increasingly self-conscious when wearing shirts.
He had high-volume liposuction (800cc aspirated) and did not require any gland excision. He had some bleeding on his right side and needed to return to the operating theatre. This did not impact a great result 6 months down the line.
Excision of localised glandular gynecomastia under local anaesthesia
This young man developed tender lumps behind his nipples. As you can see, he is otherwise very thin and has no fatty tissue. He had very firm glandular (grade I) gynecomastia. As well as being sore at times, he felt self-conscious about the appearance of his chest.
He had removal of the glandular tissue under local anaesthesia (fully awake) with 20g removed from his right side and 10g from the left. The results are shown at 6 months. The scars are barely visible and are around the lower half of the nipples.
Male breast reduction using liposuction and gland excision
This man in his early 30s was self-conscious about the appearance of his chest and felt it was holding him back. He had standard tumescent liposuction (300cc total) and gland excisions through small cuts around the lower half of the nipples (10-15 grams of tissue removed on each side).
His results are shown at 6 months, and all angles are available. He has an amazing outcome and no longer feels restricted in any way.
Gynecomastia liposuction and gland excision before and after
This young man had gynecomastia (grade I mild) from his early teenage years. Previous attempts at medical treatment were unsuccessful, and he continued to feel self-conscious about the appearance of his chest.
He had standard liposuction (250ml aspirated) and gland excision (12g each side) through a small cut on the undersurface of the nipples. He has a great result at six months.
Gynecomastia before and after
This patient had gynecomastia surgery in his early 30s. He had been self-conscious about the appearance of his chest for several years since he left school. Losing weight did not help him, and the appearance of his chest was affecting his confidence and limiting his choice of clothing. He felt uncomfortable taking his T-shirt off in public. He had aggressive liposuction carried out (600cc volume) and gland excision of the remaining hard tissue (10g each side). His outcome is shown at 6 months.
Gynecomastia liposuction before and after
This patient had aggressive liposuction carried out with around 900cc of fatty tissue removed. The results are shown at six months.
Gynecomastia before and after
The gynecomastia before and after photos below are of a man in his early 30s. He has a muscular build but had firm breast tissue below his nipples. He had a small amount of liposuction and surgical excision of around 40g of breast tissue from each side through a small cut around the lower part of the nipples. The outcome is shown at 6 months.
Gynecomastia liposuction before and after
This patient has had liposuction carried out with a small amount of breast tissue being cut out at the end of the procedure through a small scar around the nipple on his right side. The results are shown at six months and show a natural outcome.
Male breast reduction before and after
Before and after gynecomastia photos of a patient in their late 20s. Aggressive liposuction was performed (600ml) followed by excision of a small amount of residual firmer breast tissue. Results are shown at 5 months.
Male breast reduction before and after
This patient has extensive liposuction carried out with a small amount of breast tissue being cut out at the end of the procedure through a small scar around the nipple. The results are shown at six months and show how much the skin can retract with time after removing the fatty breast tissue. Avoiding skin excision helps keep scarring to a minimum.
Liposuction and gland excision for gynaecomastia
This young man had a combination of liposuction and gland excision. No skin has been removed, so scars are limited on the lower half of the nipple (areola). There has been full skin retraction as the patient is young and had minimal skin excess to start with.
Male breast reduction
This patient had a combination of liposuction and gland excision. No skin has been removed, so scars are limited on the lower half of the nipple (areola). Note there is some extra skin which has not fully retracted. Results are shown at six months.
Gynaecomastia before and after
High volume 900cc liposuction to correct gynecomastia. Results are 6 months.
Photo disclaimer
All male breast reduction before and after photos are of patients who consent to their images being published on this site. Quaba Cosmetic Surgery has operated on all patients. No claims are made that results are guaranteed to be the same. Results will vary by the individual patient, and no guarantees are made. Images are shown for informational purposes only.
Gynecomastia correction
From start to finish I felt the service I received from Quaba exceptional. Omar was incredible, the results from my surgery was amazing! I had no complications post op and attention to detail was to a very high standard. Throughout my experience I was made to feel very comfortable, confident, relaxed and put in the centre of my care needs. I would highly recommend Omar.