tummy tuck edinburgh

Before and after gallery: liposuction

Liposuction can be used for stubborn areas of fat that don’t shift with weight loss or exercise. Results vary between individuals and are sometimes more noticeable in clothing rather than in appearance.

Learn more about liposuction

Tummy liposuction

The liposuction photos below are of a patient in her 30’s who had liposuction to her tummy, flanks and back. She has good elastic skin, and the results are shown at six months.

Liposuction to flanks, hips and thighs

The patient below had extensive liposuction to her flanks, hips and thighs. Results are shown at six months postoperatively.

Tummy liposuction

The before and after liposuction photos below are those of a patient in her mid 30’s who underwent abdominal liposuction alone. The postoperative results are at six months. Please note that the reason liposuction has been so successful here is that this patient has good elastic skin (which has not been stretched by previous pregnancies) that can ‘shrink’ back. If skin quality is poor, then an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) may be the only way to address excess abdominal fullness.

Tummy, hip, back and thigh liposuction

The before and after photos below are those of a patient who had liposuction to the tummy, hips, back and thighs. The results are shown six months postoperatively.

Tummy, hip and thigh liposuction

The before and after photos below are those of a patient who had liposuction to the tummy, hips and thighs. The results are shown six months postoperatively.

Waist and back liposuction

The patient below had liposuction to the waist and back as part of a combination of procedures for body contouring (she also had a tummy tuck and breast uplift).

Photo Disclaimer

All liposuction photos are of patients who have given consent for their images to be published on this site. All patients have been operated on by Quaba Plastic Surgery. No claims are made that results are guaranteed to be the same. Results will vary by the individual patient, and no guarantees are made. Images are shown for informational purposes only

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Tummy tuck and Lipo

I had wanted tummy tuck for a time, after 2 pregnancies, had left a large volume of excess skin.
Mr Omar Quaba was excellent from my initial consultation, he was approachable and I felt reassured, all the way to aftercare. I am delighted with the results. I would definitely recommend this surgeon.


Realself Feb 2019


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