nose job scotland

Before and after gallery: rhinoplasty

You will find several rhinoplasty photos (nose job) below demonstrating different results. Please look carefully at the postoperative images. You will find minor imperfections and asymmetry in many. This is the norm with rhinoplasty surgery and “perfect” results are difficult to achieve. This is why expectations in rhinoplasty are crucial.

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Complex septorhinoplasty

This young lady faced a challenging journey with her nose. After breaking her nose twice due to sports injuries, she had her first fracture reset at 16.


  • The first procedure by us: Underwent septorhinoplasty, including hump reduction, complex septoplasty, batten graft, osteotomies, auto spreaders, and cartilage graft.
  • Sixteen months later, a revision rhinoplasty involving a right in-fracture to correct asymmetry and an adipofascial graft to soften the tip was required.

Revision surgery can sometimes be necessary to get everything right. We’re proud to have been part of her journey to restore function and confidence.

Improvement of side profile, tip support and refinement

This young lady did not like the bump on her side profile and also felt that the tip of her nose was broad and drooping. She had a correction of the bump, support of her nasal tip and narrowing of the tip. Results are shown at six months.

Dorsal hump reduction and tip refinement

This patient’s main concerns about her nose were her side profile and feeling her nose was too large overall. Additionally, she felt her tip was drooping. She had an open rhinoplasty procedure with a reduction of the bump on the side profile. She had tip refinement to narrow the tip. Results are shown at 6 months. There is still residual swelling at the tip at this stage. Tip swelling can take up to 18 months to settle fully.

Tip refinement before and after

This patient’s main concern was the tip of her nose. She did not like that it was broad and “triangular.” To narrow the tip and increase its projection, she had an open-tip rhinoplasty with tip refinement. The results are shown six months postoperatively.

Revision rhinoplasty

This patient had a rhinoplasty procedure at another clinic. She was left with an unsatisfactory result. She underwent revision rhinoplasty to correct the tip deformity she had. Results are shown at six months.

Rhinoplasty tip refinement and lowering of side profile

The rhinoplasty before and after images below are of a patient who wanted the tip of her nose refined as well as lowering of her side profile bump. She has also had her nose narrowed. Results are shown six months postop.

Septo-rhinoplasty before and after

This lady’s main concern was the bump on the side profile of her nose. Additionally, she had a degree of septal deviation causing some squinting to her nose. She had an open septorhinoplasty procedure (correction of the bump, refinement of the tip and straightening of her septum). The results are shown at six months after surgery.

Subtle tip and side profile reduction

This patient in her 40s was anxious to avoid dramatic changes to her nose. She has had tip refinement and reduction of her side profile with de-projection of her nose. Results are shown at six months.

Nasal tip refinement

This patient wanted to have refinement of a bulbous nasal tip. Results shown 6 months after open tip rhinoplasty.

Dorsal hump reduction and tip refinement

Rhinoplasty photos showing correction of a dorsal hump, overall shortening of the nose and tip refinement.

Rhinoplasty to correct bump and septal deviation

The rhinoplasty photos below are of a patient who had an open rhinoplasty to correct a mild bump on the nose. She also had a deviated septum (with some breathing problems) that was corrected.

Hump reduction and tip refinement

Decreasing tip projection

The patient below felt that the tip of her nose was prominent. She underwent an open tip rhinoplasty to reduce the projection of her nose. The bridge of her nose did not require any work. The outcome is shown at six months.

Hump reduction, tip refinement and reduction of columella

The patient below had a correction of a dorsal hump and reduction of a hanging columella.

Hump reduction and tip refinement

This patient did not like the “bump” on her nose. She had an open rhinoplasty. Results are shown at six months.

Dorsal hump reduction and tip refinement

The patient below had a rhinoplasty to remove the ‘bump’ on her nose. Results are shown at six months.

Dorsal bump reduction and tip refinement

This patient has had a reduction of a ‘bump’ on her nose and refinement of her nasal tip via an open rhinoplasty.

Diary of a rhinoplasty patient

The patient below had rhinoplasty surgery with us. You can read a review of her experience on an external website. Read the review. There are several images including early postoperative images when the splint is removed.

An overall reduction in the size of nose

The photos below are of a patient who had a reduction of a nasal dorsal hump as well as tip reduction. Note that the soft tissue of her tip is thickened (sebaceous skin) and that this will only ever partially respond to nose surgery.

Septorhinoplasty with dorsal hump removal

The patient below broke her nose aged 15. She had an open septorhinoplasty to removal the dorsal hump on her nose and to straighten the nose. She requested a gentle dorsal curve.

Hump reduction, narrowing of the nose and tip refinement

The patient below had an open rhinoplasty to reduce a mild dorsal hump and to narrow the nose and refine the tip.

Hump reduction and correction of bulbous tip

The patient below had an open rhinoplasty to correct a significant dorsal hump and to correct a bulbous tip.

Open rhinoplasty with tip grafts

The images below are of a patient who had an open rhinoplasty to correct a dorsal hump. She also has significant work done on the tip of her nose which included the use of on-lay cartilage grafts. Results are shown ten months postoperatively.

Tip reduction combined with chin implant

The male patient below had a chin augmentation (using a chin implant) and minimal reduction of the tip projection of his nose to restore harmony to the profile of his face.

Open rhinoplasty with hump reduction and tip refinement

The before and after photos below are of a patient who had an open rhinoplasty to correct a dorsal hump and to refine the tip of the nose

Septo-rhinoplasty – previous nasal fracture

The patient below had previously broken her nose. She had a septorhinoplasty (work to straighten the septum as well as the nasal bones), and the results are shown at six months.

Minor hump reduction and correction of asymmetric tip

The patient below had an open rhinoplasty to correct a minor dorsal hump and to correct an asymmetric bulbous tip.

Splint and bruising at seven days

The patient below had an open rhinoplasty. The photos below show the typical type of aluminium splint we use after ‘bony’ work is required on the nose. The accompanying before and after photos show the early postoperative result and bruising after the splint and sutures are removed at day 7.

Tip refinement, hump reduction and in fractures

The nose job photos below are those of a patient who underwent open tip rhinoplasty. An open approach was used because work was required on the nasal tip as well as dorsal hump reduction and in fractures.

Open rhinoplasty

The before and after photos below are those of a patient who underwent open rhinoplasty. Results are shown six months postoperatively. She had her nose straightened, the tip refined and the hump reduced. She also had her nasal septum centralised.

Closed rhinoplasty

The nose job photos below are those of a patient who underwent closed rhinoplasty. Results are shown eight months postoperatively.

Nose job photos – open rhinoplasty

The patient below had an open rhinoplasty. Results are shown at nine months.

Subtle rhinoplasty to decrease tip projection

The following patient had an open rhinoplasty. She requested subtle changes to decrease the projection of her nose and to improve the junction of the base of the nose and the upper lip (the columellar labial angle). You will see that in the postoperative side profile the upper lip appears longer.

Photo Disclaimer

All rhinoplasty before and after photos are of patients who have given consent for their images to be published on this site. All patients have been operated on by Quaba Plastic Surgery. No claims are made that results are guaranteed to be the same. Results will vary by the individual patient, and no guarantees are made. Images are shown for informational purposes only.

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Rhinoplasty – Care was exceptional

My only regret is not having the procedure years ago. After paying for a few consultations in other clinics I felt Mr Quaba made me feel most at ease about my Rhinoplasty and explained everything to me. From start to finish all the staff who cared for me were amazing. I felt no pain afterwards and although I had a lot of bruising and swelling this was nearly all gone within 2 weeks. Could not recommend Dr Quaba enough if you are thinking of having a rhinoplasty.


Realself May 2019


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