
All the contents, including text, graphics and images contained on or available through this web site, are for general information purposes only.

The information posted here is not to be considered medical advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a plastic surgeon. Enquiries posted through this web site may be answered solely at our discretion. The answers to these questions should in no way be considered specific medical advice.

The information on this site can be seen as a summary of the cosmetic procedures available at Quaba Plastic Surgery. It is not to be considered a complete list of options for any patient, nor is it to be interpreted in any way to be medical advice, a substitute for consultation or information needed for informed consent.

Great care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained on this website. However, it should not be relied upon as being comprehensive, up-to-date or error-free.

No liability is accepted for the consequences of acting on incorrect information accidentally included on the website.

The external links at Quaba Plastic Surgery are mostly to professional associations. These links are provided merely as a source of additional or alternative information. Keep in mind that not all online “medical “ information is authoritative or up-to-date, and we can not endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites.

The before and after images are of our actual patients who have consented to have their pictures published online. During in-person consultations, additional images which could be more relevant/comparable to the individual case can be viewed thanks to the fact that a larger proportion of our patients prefer that we show their before and after images in a clinical setting rather than publish them on the web.

We attempt to include a spectrum of results to help patients visualise potential outcomes but not necessarily the result that an individual patient can expect from a particular procedure.

Requests by any ex-patient to remove pictures is always respected.

We refer to the standard clinical photographs taken before surgery when assessing the outcome of a cosmetic procedure. Selfies and other images captured from unusual angles, taken in various shades of lights and different degrees of animation can be unrepresentative, misleading and may not compare like-for-like.

Any cosmetic surgical procedure has potential risks and complications and results in a degree of scarring.

The risks can be kept to a minimum when the care is provided by an experienced surgical team that operates on carefully selected and adequately informed patients at a modern accredited and well-staffed hospital offering quality aftercare and 24/7 access when required.

Excellence cannot guarantee uneventful recovery nor a perfect outcome.

Individual results of cosmetic surgery and the way they are perceived by patients and judged by relatives and friends can vary a great deal. One of the challenges in cosmetic surgery is how to set patient expectations. Simulation in front of a mirror, viewing of before and after images, 3D scanning, the use of implant sizers etc. can be used in helping patients have realistic expectations. Despite this, no surgeon can guarantee that outcomes will in every way match a patient’s expectations.

No surgery should be taken lightly. Patients should mull things over ( cooling off ), do their research, return for a follow-up visit or seek a second opinion before surgery if they are in anyway unsure about proceeding. Non-surgical, as well as alternative surgical options, should be explored before making a firm decision.

Different patients undergoing the same surgical procedure by the same plastic surgeon can end up having different results due to inherent factors such as age, skin quality and an unpredictable healing process.

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