gynecomastia surgery Scotland

Gynaecomastia/ Male Breast Reduction

Quaba Cosmetic Surgery Edinburgh, Scotland

Are you struggling with gynaecomastia, also known as male breast enlargement? Do you feel self-conscious about your chest and avoid taking off your shirt in public? If so, we may be able to help. Our skilled and experienced plastic surgeons specialise in gynecomastia surgery, providing tailored solutions to help you achieve a masculine chest contour and restore your self-confidence.


Gynecomastia correction

From start to finish I felt the service I received from Quaba exceptional. Omar was incredible, the results from my surgery was amazing! I had no complications post op and attention to detail was to a very high standard. Throughout my experience I was made to feel very comfortable, confident, relaxed and put in the centre of my care needs. I would highly recommend Omar.


Realself Feb 2023


Table of contents

Gynecomastia overview


General anaesthesia or local anaesthesia


1-2 Hours


Day case


1-2 weeks off work, 6 weeks before strenuous exercise


Procedure types

Gynecomastia Surgery

At Quaba Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a range of gynecomastia surgery options tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our surgeons are experts in liposuction and glandular tissue removal and will work with you to determine the best course of action for your case.

There are several options for the treatment of male breast enlargement (gynecomastia):

  • liposuction
  • surgical removal of firm breast tissue
  • surgical removal of loose skin
  • a combination of the above

The treatment choice depends on the nature of the enlargement (firmness of your breast tissue/ presence of loose skin). A good cosmetic outcome is very much dependent on surgical technique. The main risks of surgery include removing too much or too little tissue and unevenness. Patients must be aware of the scars when surgical excision is performed.

Our approach

We understand that surgery can be daunting, and we are committed to providing our patients with the highest care and support. From your initial consultation to your post-operative follow-up appointments, we are here to answer any questions and ensure that you feel comfortable and confident every step of the way.


We have a great deal of knowledge in treating patients with gynecomastia. We will listen carefully to your concerns and make sure that there are no reversible causes for your gynecomastia. Once we have examined you, we can discuss your options in full. Our approach is to avoid putting large scars on your chest, so we try not to remove skin if we can avoid it. We perform aggressive liposuction in all patients, not removing too much or too little of the excess fatty tissue. For some patients, liposuction will be enough. In others, we make a small semi-circular cut around the bottom half of your nipple, and through this, we remove any firm breast tissue left.


If you have a lot of loose skin (common after weight loss), a breast reduction procedure may be required that removes skin. This leaves more obvious scars on the chest.

male breast reduction edinburgh

Commonly asked questions

What is male breast enlargement?

Enlargement of male breasts is a condition medically known as gynaecomastia. It occurs as a result of enlargement of the glandular tissue and excess fatty tissue in the male breast.

What are the features of gynecomastia?

Signs vary from a small amount of extra tissue around the nipples to more prominent breasts. It can affect one or both breasts but usually affects both. The breast tissue may be tender or painful, but this isn’t always true.

What are the causes of gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can have several causes. Most cases are physiological (hormonal).

Hormone imbalance

An imbalance between the sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen can cause gynecomastia. Oestrogen is the hormone that causes breast tissue to grow. All men have some oestrogen production, but they usually have much higher levels of testosterone, which counteracts the effects of oestrogen. When the balance of oestrogen and testosterone changes, it can cause a man’s breasts to grow. Usually, the cause of this imbalance is unknown. Losing weight or doing more exercise will often not improve things as the condition is not caused by excess fat but excess breast tissue.


During puberty, boys’ hormone levels vary.  Many teenage boys have some breast enlargement. Gynaecomastia at puberty usually clears up as boys age, and their hormone levels stabilise.

Older age

As men get older, they produce less testosterone. Also, older men have more body fat, and this can cause more oestrogen to be produced. These changes in hormone levels can lead to excess breast tissue growth.

Rarer causes

There are rare causes of male breast enlargement (such as testicular tumours, liver failure or certain medications) and sometimes a medical examination and blood tests may be needed.

Why do some men consider cosmetic surgery?

Some men may feel they wish to have gyno surgery as they feel embarrassed about their breasts. Name-calling and teasing are common among teenagers, and many men feel embarrassed or self-conscious. Men with gynecomastia may avoid wearing tight tops or going topless while on holiday.

What are my treatment options?

If you are going through puberty, you can be reassured that your gynaecomastia will usually improve with time. This can feel like a long time to wait, but plastic surgery is not an option until you are at least 18 years old.

If you are overweight, then it is essential to lose weight. Weight loss may help resolve your gynecomastia.

Men at a healthy weight should ensure they are not using any medications or substances contributing to their breast enlargement (such as anabolic steroids).

Gynecomastia surgery may be an option if reversible causes have been ruled out and you remain self-conscious about your chest.

Male breast reduction in NHS in Scotland?

Cosmetic surgery is not routinely available under the NHS in Scotland. A referral is governed by the Adult Exceptional Aesthetic Referral Protocol (AEARP).

You might be a candidate for male breast reduction surgery if you have severe gynaecomastia or breast asymmetry impacting your life. See your GP to make sure that there are no reversible causes for your gynecomastia. Your GP will carry out a physical examination and may request blood tests to check things such as your levels of testosterone. If your GP feels that your gynecomastia is severe and will not respond to diet or exercise, they may refer you to a plastic surgeon or breast surgeon for treatment.

Exclusions to referral include being overweight (Body Mass Index higher than 27) and mild enlargement. Before consideration, photos will usually be requested. If you are judged to have severe enlargment, then you may be asked to attend to see a psychologist for assessment.

What is the surgical management?

You might be suitable for surgical treatment (gyno surgery) when other options (weight loss/ exercise) and reversible causes have been excluded. There are three options:

  • liposuction
  • gland excision
  • skin excision

The options above can be combined.

How do I know if liposuction alone will correct my breast enlargement?

Liposuction works well when the quality of your skin is good (as it is in most younger men) and your skin has not been stretched significantly from earlier weight gain and loss.

The main factor influencing whether liposuction will work alone without excision surgery is how firm the breast tissue is underneath the nipple. In some men, the breast tissue is so firm that liposuction may not work, and a small cut is required in the lower half of the nipple to remove the breast tissue surgically (excision surgery).

What if my breasts are firm?

If you have firm tissue just under your nipples, it is unlikely that liposuction alone will work. Liposuction can still deal with fatty tissue and help tighten the skin. Once the liposuction has been completed, a small semi-circular incision is made around the areolar. The incision lets your surgeon remove any remaining firm glandular tissue. The wounds are closed with either dissolvable or non-dissolvable stitches.

When would I need a skin excision?

You might need skin removal if you have severe breast enlargement with a lot of loose skin. If the skin is not removed in these instances, it will not stretch back and potentially leave you with loose folds of skin that look unsightly.

The main disadvantage of skin removal is that it leaves noticeable scars across your chest.

Why Choose Quaba Cosmetic Surgery for Gynecomastia Surgery?

At Quaba Cosmetic Surgery, we understand that gynaecomastia can be distressing for men, affecting their physical and emotional well-being. Here’s why you should choose us:

Expertise in Gynaecomastia Surgery: Our plastic surgeons have extensive experience performing this type of surgery, utilising advanced techniques to achieve optimal results. They understand the unique needs of men seeking this procedure and can customise the surgical plan to suit your individual requirements.

Comprehensive Evaluation: We conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of your gynaecomastia, whether it’s due to hormonal imbalance, genetics, weight gain, or other factors. This helps us develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses the condition’s root cause, ensuring long-lasting results.

Advanced Surgical Techniques: Quaba Cosmetic Surgery employs cutting-edge surgical techniques, including liposuction, excision, or a combination of both, to remove excess breast tissue and create a sculpted, masculine chest contour. Our surgeons are skilled in performing these procedures precisely, minimising scarring and achieving natural-looking results.

Personalised Care: We prioritise patient safety and satisfaction, providing personalised care at every step of the journey. Our friendly and compassionate team will guide you through the entire process, from the initial consultation to post-operative care, ensuring your comfort and well-being.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: Quaba Cosmetic Surgery is equipped with modern, state-of-the-art facilities, including a fully accredited surgical centre, to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your surgery. Our team follows strict hygiene and safety protocols, ensuring the highest standards of care.

Potential benefits of gynaecomastia surgery

One of the most significant benefits of having surgery is improving self-confidence and body image. Men self-conscious or embarrassed about their chest area can feel more comfortable in social situations, such as removing their shirts at the beach or pool. This can positively affect overall quality of life and mental well-being.

Another benefit of gynaecomastia surgery is reducing or eliminating physical discomfort caused by enlarged breasts. This can include pain, discomfort, and chafing in the chest area. By removing excess breast tissue, men can experience relief from these uncomfortable symptoms.

Also, surgery can help to improve posture and overall physical appearance. Men with gynaecomastia often have a rounded, hunched-over posture to conceal their chest, which can put a strain on the back and shoulders. After surgery, patients can stand up straighter and feel more confident in their physical appearance.

Surgery can provide significant physical and emotional benefits for men with excess breast tissue. Consult a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss the best approach for individual needs and goals.

View before and after gallery
gynecomastia surgery edinburgh before and after

What are the risks?

Surgery is performed under general anaesthesia (or local for smaller areas). The risks of general anaesthesia include deep vein thrombosis (clots to the legs) and pulmonary embolus (clots to the lungs), and we take precautions to reduce this risk. Other risks include chest infection. The chances of having a significant complication following planned general anaesthesia are approximately 1 in 100,000.

The risks specific to gynaecomastia surgery include the following:


This is uncommon when liposuction has been performed, but sometimes a collection of blood (haematoma) may form, and this can require a return to the theatre to remove the blood and stop any bleeding.


Uncommon and can usually be treated with antibiotics.


Seroma is a collection of body fluid that may require drainage in the clinic and usually settles on its own.


Scars can be unpredictable and sometimes thickened (keloid) and red.

Under or over correction

Taking too little or too much tissue. If too much tissue is removed, a contour defect may result.

Lumpiness and unevenness

Your breasts will feel lumpy for several months, and it is not uncommon to have minor degrees of unevenness.

Skin retraction

If you have a significant excess of skin, it may not fully retract following the fatty tissue’s removal. I have shown you several photographs illustrating how every individual’s skin responds differently.


It is common to have areas of the skin that will feel numb, and most of this numbness recovers over time.

Revision surgery

Some patients may require revision surgery to deal with complications or unsatisfactory cosmetic outcomes.

What to expect and gynaecomastia aftercare


Some discomfort is typical in the first few days after surgery. You may experience some numbness around your nipples and incision areas. You may experience temporary soreness, tightness and swelling, and discomfort in the incision areas. Your breasts may be sensitive to stimulation for a few weeks.

Bruising/ Swelling

Your chest may feel tight and swollen for several days, and bruising is expected. The bruising gets worse before it improves and may track downwards – this is normal.

If you have had extensive liposuction, your chest may swell significantly after a few days and feel firm. The swelling is due to a mixture of blood and tissue fluid and can take several weeks to settle down.

Residual lumps/ firmness

It is common to feel areas of hardness, which can take up to six months to settle down.


Most of the discolouration and swelling will subside in 4-6 weeks.

Any scars you have may be red and angry looking for six months. In time, these usually soften and fade.

If you have had male breast reduction surgery with us or are considering it – please find some detailed instructions and advice on gynecomastia aftercare following your procedure.

Explore Gynaecomastia aftercare
quaba aftercare activities

Our latest reviews

Body dysmorphia

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental health condition in which someone can’t help thinking about one or more perceived issues or faults in their appearance. Other people may think that their concerns are minor, or they may fail to see them at all.

People with BDD continuously focus on their appearance and body image, repeatedly checking the mirror, grooming or seeking reassurance, sometimes for many hours each day. The perceived flaw likely causes significant distress and impacts a person’s ability to function in their daily life.

People affected with BDD often seek out cosmetic procedures to try to “fix” their perceived flaws. Afterwards, they may feel temporary satisfaction or a reduction in their symptoms, but often, the anxiety returns, or they may move on to focus on other perceived problems related to their appearance.

Some patients may have features of body dysmorphia. Such patients are not likely to be offered surgery.

If you are considering surgery, it is worth trying the self-assessment tool below, the Cosmetic Procedure Screening Questionnaire (COPS).

The questionnaire was developed by David Veale, Nell Ellison, Tom Werner, Rupa Dodhia, Marc Serfaty and Alex Clarke (2012) Development of a cosmetic procedure screening questionnaire (COPS) for Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 65 (4), 530-532.



Dr Omar Quaba, MBBChir, FRCS (Plast), GMC 4586300, is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon on the GMC Specialist Register with over 20 years of experience in plastic surgery. Educated at Cambridge University and trained in Aberdeen and Glasgow, with a fellowship in Australia, he transitioned to full-time private practice in 2020. As Hospital Director of Waterfront Private Hospital and a full member of BAPRAS, BAAPS, and ISAPS, he combines extensive expertise with a commitment to excellence in patient care.

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