Cheek / Chin Enhancement
The appearance of our chin affects the balance of our face. Lost cheek volume can make us look drawn and tired.
Full cheeks are a sign of youth and lost cheek volume can be restored with fillers or with fat transfer. A weak chin can affect the overall balance of our face and the chin can be made more prominent with fillers or with chin implants.
Cheek / chin overview
Chin Implants/ Fat transfer
Local or General
1 hour
Day case/ Outpatient
Few days off work, 6 weeks before strenuous exercise
Procedure types
Chin implants
Chin implants
The chin plays an integral part in the overall balance of our facial features, particularly our profile. For example, a weak chin can make a normal nose appear large, and an already prominent nose seem even more significant. On the other hand, a prominent chin may give the appearance of having too small a nose or otherwise throwing the face off balance.
The most commonly performed chin procedure (mentoplasty) in our practice is chin augmentation. We have been using silicone implants for over 20 years with little in the way of adverse effects. The procedure is relatively straightforward and produces immediate and effective results. The implant is placed via a small cut between the junction of the lower lip and the lower teeth so there is no visible scar. The main risks of the procedure are infection, implant malposition or extrusion.
Many of our patients have chin augmentation combined with rhinoplasty, but some will have the procedure in isolation (because they have an otherwise normal nose).
Prominent, full cheeks give us a youthful, healthy appearance. The ageing process results in loss of cheek volume (flattening) and descent (ptosis) of the cheek. Volume loss can make a face appear drawn and gaunt. It may give the appearance of heaviness in the lower face and an aged look.
There are surgical or non-surgical ways to augment a cheek. For non-surgical enhancement, we use non-permanent fillers, which will give an instant correction lasting 6-12 months. Surgical improvement of the cheeks in our practice is achieved with autologous fat injection. It is one of our practice’s most commonly performed surgical procedures and can be performed in conjunction with other procedures (most commonly eyelid and facelift surgery). As mentioned elsewhere, some loss of fat cells can occur, and the process may need to be repeated at some point in the future.
What to expect
Chin implants
Chin implants
You can expect to see an immediate difference in the projection and shape of your chin. There will be a minor degree of swelling which will take a few weeks to settle down. All the scars are internal inside the mouth and there is no visible scarring.
Cheek Enhancement
Cheek Enhancement
You will see an immediate increase in the volume of your cheeks. Initially, your cheeks will be overcorrected and look puffy and swollen. Over the course of a few weeks, the swelling will settle. By six months, you may lose up to 50% of the fat that has been injected.
What are the risks?
Chin implants
Chin implants
The risks of chin implants include bleeding (rare) and infection (rare). There may be some temporary numbness over your chin and lower lip.
Cheek augmentation
Cheek augmentation
Swelling and bruising are to be expected after fat transfer to the cheeks. Rarely, some of the fat may not survive and become infected (fat necrosis). Fat necrosis may manifest as hard lumps which eventually go away. In a very small number of patients, fat necrosis can be problematic and look like an ongoing infection.
Frequently asked questions
What is chin augmentation?
Chin augmentation enhances the shape and size of your chin to improve facial balance. We use chin implants for a long-lasting solution or dermal fillers for a non-surgical option.
What is cheek augmentation?
Cheek augmentation adds volume and definition to your cheeks. We use dermal fillers for subtle, non-surgical results or fat transfer for a more natural, longer-lasting option.
How do I know which option is right for me?
During your consultation, we’ll assess your goals and facial features and recommend the best treatment, whether implants, fillers, or fat transfer.
How long do these procedures take?
•Chin implants: About 1 hour under local or general anaesthesia.
•Fillers: Typically 20–30 minutes for both chin and cheeks.
•Fat transfer: About 1 hour.
What is recovery like?
•Chin implants: Expect swelling and bruising; most people return to work within a week.
•Fillers: Minimal downtime, with mild swelling or bruising that resolves in a few days.
•Fat transfer: Recovery takes a–2 weeks, with some swelling lasting longer.
Are the results permanent?
•Chin implants: Results are long-lasting.
•Fillers: Effects last 6–18 months, depending on the product used.
•Fat transfer: Results are semi-permanent, with some fat naturally absorbed over time.
Is the procedure painful?
•Chin implants and fat transfer are performed under anaesthesia to minimise discomfort.
•Fillers involve only mild discomfort and are done with numbing cream.
What are the risks?
As with any procedure, there are risks, such as swelling, bruising, or infection. We’ll discuss these fully during your consultation.
Can I combine chin and cheek treatments?
Yes, combining treatments can provide a more balanced, harmonious appearance. We’ll create a personalised plan based on your needs.
Dr. Awf Quaba, MB ChB, FRCS, GMC 3034912, is a highly esteemed Consultant Plastic Surgeon with over 35 years of experience. He served as an NHS consultant for over 20 years before dedicating the past 15 years to full-time private practice at Waterfront Private Hospital in Edinburgh. Dr Quaba specialises in cosmetic facial and breast surgery and offers a comprehensive range of surgical and non-surgical aesthetic treatments. Full BAAPS member.