Cosmetic surgery edinburgh

Face Lift / Neck Lift

A facelift is designed to give you a fresher look and to improve the appearance of your neck and jawline.

A facelift helps to address the effects of ageing on the neck and lower face. It involves tightening and removal of loose skin from the neck and cheek areas while also tightening the muscles underneath. There are different ways of performing facelift surgery and the method chosen depends on the pattern of ageing.


Excellent Outcome – Facelift

From my first consultation, surgery, and follow up appointments, my experience has been excellent. Having considered a face lift for many years, i am delighted with the outcome and the ‘new me’ and feel so much happier with the way i look. Omar is a lovely kind, approachable guy, who explains everything in full around the procedure and expected outcome. He is a highly talented plastic surgeon so my new look is very natural and not ‘overdone’. The care at Shawfair
hospital was also fantastic and i felt in very safe hands. I would most definitely recommend Quaba Plastic Surgery. Thankyou for everything !


Trustpilot Jul 2024



Facelift overview

Facelift surgery/ Neck lift


General or Local with Sedation


2-3 hours (longer when combined with other procedures)


1 night


2 weeks off work, 6-8 weeks before strenuous exercise


Short scar or mini facelift

You may be suitable for this type of facelift if your main concern is your jawline and you do not have much loose skin affecting your neck. It is crucial that you understand that a “mini facelift” still leaves scars in the visible areas in front of the ears. Correctly performed surgery will leave these scars well hidden.

Neck lift alone

A neck lift can be performed in isolation to deal with loose neck skin. A pure neck lift will not, however, deal with jowls and therefore few patients are suitable for this. Additionally, a neck lift on its own may leave some loose skin around the earlobes and for this reason, it is usually performed as part of a lower face/ neck lift. In younger patients, a neck lift can be carried out using liposuction rather than surgery.

Other procedures

A facelift is often combined with other procedures depending on your needs. These procedures include liposuction to the neckfat transfer to the cheeks (to give fullness to the cheeks), lower and upper eyelid surgery and a brow lift to address ageing to the upper part of the face. Laser resurfacing can also be carried out at the same time to treat fine wrinkles/ sun spots.

What to expect


You will be up and about the day after your surgery, but it will be a few weeks before you are entirely up to speed.

Your mood may fluctuate after surgery – this is normal.

Discomfort/ Pain

Pain after surgery is not usually an issue for most patients.

You are likely to feel a sensation of tightness, especially when turning your head.

Bruising/ swelling

After surgery, particularly during the first few days, your face will feel puffy.

Most swelling and bruising should disappear within two weeks. Some subtle swelling and bruising can remain for a couple of months.


Your scars may feel tight and itchy as the healing process progresses. It may take several months for the scars behind the ears and the hairline to settle down. The scars in front of the ears usually heal quicker.

View our before and after gallery
facelift and eyelid surgery

What are the risks?


Less than 5% risk and may require a return to theatre to stop any bleeding and relieve any pressure on the skin.


To be expected and varies between patients. Usually resolved by ten days

Unfavourable scarring

It is not unusual for the scars in the hairline to stretch a little as most of the tension when pulling the skin is concentrated in these areas. The visible scars in front of the ears usually settle very well and in most patients are inconspicuous.

Nerve damage

There is a risk of damaging the facial nerve which is responsible for the movement of the face. If permanent this is a serious complication, but the risk of this happening has been reported as being under 1%. Such an injury can result in weakness of the facial muscles of expression.


Patches of numbness are typical initially and tend to recover with time. Very rarely there is a risk of numbness to the lower part of the ear.

Delayed healing and skin loss

This can occur secondary to bleeding or if too much pull is placed on the skin when closing the wounds.

Revision surgery

A small number of patients may require revision surgery to deal with complications or unsatisfactory cosmetic outcomes.


Minor degrees of facial asymmetry are often present before surgery and are likely to persist after surgery.

Facelift aftercare

If you have had a face/ neck lift with us or are considering it – please find some detailed instructions and advice on aftercare following facelift surgery.

Explore facelift aftercare
Facelift aftercare


Dr. Awf Quaba, MB ChB, FRCS, GMC 3034912, is a highly esteemed Consultant Plastic Surgeon with over 35 years of experience. He served as an NHS consultant for over 20 years before dedicating the past 15 years to full-time private practice at Waterfront Private Hospital in Edinburgh. Dr Quaba specialises in cosmetic facial and breast surgery and offers a comprehensive range of surgical and non-surgical aesthetic treatments. Full BAAPS member.

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